Friday, October 12, 2007

Whose job is it?

Not only because Rice is currently seeking a further addition to its IR faculty, the IR Rumor Mill makes for an interesting, albeit very unsystematic read. Let's see when first names for our lovely school pop up.

As exciting as the above is, I also get a kick out of looking through other IR graduate students' websites. Through the Political Science Job Market Wiki, I could see that NYU's Leslie Johns gave talks at Cal Tech and UChicago. Her piece in the Spring 2007 issue of International Organization was an insightful read. (There is a link to the article on her website.)

Jessica Weeks' work sounds also intriguing. She studies accountability and audience costs in non-democracies. The working paper version of her article that is forthcoming in IO is available here on her website. I'm looking forward to reading it.

When will Greg Vonnahme's name appear on these sites?


dynaman said...
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Tobias said...

I've come around to read Jessica Weeks article on audience costs in non-democracies. It's one further step to demolish the romantic mystique about democracies. The contrarian in me is happy.